

Read dog training success stories from many clients, ranging from puppies to adults. Browse through all of the testimonials to read about what to expect in success with your dog training!

Praise from our Clients

For years, More Than Dog Training has been working with loving owners like you to help their dogs reach their full potential. Scroll through our reviews below, check out our available services, and register now for the perfect package for your pup!


Puppy Training


I don’t often post reviews but this one felt important to do. I can not say enough wonderful things about Caylen at More Than Dog Training. Her help and guidance with training our puppy has been invaluable. It had been a long time since we had a puppy and we had definitely forgotten how hard it was. We had this adorable little guy and we were running around in circles trying to get it right. Add to it - the lack of sleep - our nerves were pretty fried!

Caylen came in at just the right time. She assured us that we were doing a much better job than we thought. She was calm, patient, and direct. We learned so much about rewarding the behaviors that we wanted and stopping the behaviors that we didn’t want. She taught us how to communicate with him and to set him up for success - to really set us all up for success. Reminding us to take our time with him and to not be frantic. Her words - “It’s the little things that add up to the big things."

 For us, having the one on one customized guidance was so much more helpful than group classes. For anybody else who needs help with their dog, Caylen works with everything from puppies to off leash recall to aggression issues. We look forward to continuing to work with her to help us raise a happy and healthy pup.


My family has never had a dog before so when I got a puppy for my adult son, who’s on the Autism Spectrum, I really didn’t know what to expect. Kash gets so excited to meet people and he would just be out of control! I’m so glad I was referred to Caylin. I knew as soon as she came in the door and started talking she was the right fit for us and we would learn a lot. Things have gotten so much better since our training. It’s like something clicked and Kash is a much better puppy. He sleeps though the night now. He can get in and out of the car on his own. Caylin has taught us so much about dog behavior. We were in the middle of a training session and one of my neighbor’s dog got loose and came charging at us. Well it scared me and my son but she just calmly said to “go to the house I got this” and she kept the dog away from us and helped its owner get the dog back to their yard. She took total control and put herself at risk. I highly recommend her services. You will not be disappointed!

- Donal


Our dog is still a puppy, she’s only 7 months now. So before training she was jumping, peeing everywhere, pooping in her crate, and just not listening very well (like a puppy

does.) After training she is a new dog, she listens so much better; she knows sit and down ; still working on place but she’s getting the hang of it; and she knows the command for “go in your cage”. Caylen was also able to help us with potty training and putting her on a schedule. Caylen was amazing, she really knew what she was talking about and helped us with any questions that we had about Ziva. She worked with us when we were nervous about the prong collar and now we love the prong collar for when training Ziva. Ziva is still a puppy so we have more work ahead, but we will definitely be reaching out to a Caylen for more training it the future. We would 100% recommended More Than Dog Training to all of our family and friends .

- Anne, Christina, Sophie, David


Our Dog Daisy found us - she was a stray. The first month, she proved to be unmanageable. She's a herding breed and was corralling our 3 children - 8, 6, 4 and sometimes nipping at their hands to get them to listen. She was destroying stuffed animals, bedding, and jumping on our furniture and bed. She was urinating on carpet, chewing on furniture legs and more. Some of this was 'puppy behavior' but much of it was more than I had experienced before in owning a dog. I have owned dogs all through the last 30+ years, but none of them were as hard to work with as Daisy. There were many nights, I regretted bringing an animal into our home and wondering why I had agreed to take in a dog that we knew nothing about the breed, nothing about her history, or nothing about training her. If we had not found Caylen, I am skeptical that we would have kept our dog much longer as it was all too much for us. Caylen from More than Dog training was amazing. I mean AMAZING. From our initial consultation through our 6 weeks together, we were able to transform our way of communicating with our dog and able to establish boundaries for behavior and space. Caylen took us through how dogs think and behave. She observed our dog and more importantly, she observed us. The curriculum was hands on and tailored to our concerns and family dynamic. She knows how to listen to people and to dogs and then provides a vocabulary and step-by-step, clearly spelled out method to make sure we could communicate with our dog too. 100% would recommend More than Dog Training to anyone for any sort of challenges from nominal behavioral modification or more. My concerns about safety (for my children and our dog) was top priority for Caylen. Now I have no regrets about Daisy or concerns about how she behaves. I've learned to be a better owner and control situations and scenarios with our dog that would have been impossible without Caylen.

austin dog training two dogs puppy


We really wanted to start off on the right foot as first-time dog owners after adopting Coach, our at the time 3 month old adopted lab mix puppy. We expected he would grow to be a big boy and so it was important he be polite around humans and and mindful of us in all situations. We reached out to Caylen for her puppy training services after looking for trainers that could make house calls and saw lots of great reviews and testimonials.

The techniques she taught us during our lessons were crucial in establishing a routine with Coach that we still follow today. She placed emphasis on manners, which makes life so much easier for us and him. Little things like not rushing through the door when we go outside, waiting for us to give him permission before eating his meal, and how to stay calm in overstimulating environments all help us focus more time and energy on walks, playing fetch and tug, and taking him out. All the fun dog owner stuff. 

Caylen offers follow-up summaries of the lessons she teaches via email. We consult her via text with any concerns we may have about Coach. She even provides some of the tools she recommends. She was always able to find an approach that both myself and my partner were comfortable with.

There is no doubt in our minds that without Caylen's training, Coach would not be the great boy he is today!

More Than Dog Training Puppy Trained in Dog Trainng


“Caylen has helped me (as well as many of my friends and family) further training with my dog on everything from walking with a loose leash to waiting for a release command when walking with me, before eating and basically before he decides he has a better idea. She has also helped me to train my dog to not enter certain rooms of my house like the kitchen which I never even realized I could do! No more counter surfing because there’s no counter for him to surf. Boom, done. I’ve learned so much as a dog owner as well from working with her such as the fact that a dog is only as good as their other words consistency and patience are crazy important when it comes to training your dog to do anything in general. All in all, Caylen’s help has been invaluable in making my puppy the perfect dog for me and I’m certain her experience and expertise will be clear as early as your initial consultation with her.”


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“I had recently adopted a Rottweiler/cane corso puppy when I met Caylen. I knew that she would need to be well trained since she would grow to be a large dog. This was my first puppy so I was very unsure how to train her. Caylen was great! She taught me how to train her commands like ‘come’ and ‘stay,’ as well as basic manners and leadership. She is also very knowledgeable about nutrition, which was also extremely helpful. My pup has made so much progress and I would highly recommend Caylen to anyone who needs guidance raising a puppy.”


More Than Dog Training


“Caylen was extremely helpful to me when I got a Dalmatian puppy. Dalmatians can be quite energetic and Caylen helped me by teaching how to channel that energy into positive behavior - which makes my dog and myself happier. She also helped to correct some unwanted behavior in my two older chihuahuas. I highly recommend her services for new and old dogs! Her sessions were very informative and she clearly has vast knowledge in this field.”


More Than Dog Training


“Caylen helped me potty train and crate train my new puppy and she was wonderful! She was patient and non judgmental and the best part is..... it works! I would highly recommend her for any dog training needs.”



Theo and Lily

“Theo is my one year old chihuahua dachshund mix. He is a friendly, food motivated pup I rescued that needed to learn some boundaries. Before training Theo was mouthy to say the least, always pulled on a leash, had some resource guarding issues, and slight aggression issues mainly when food was involved. 

After training Theo has drastically improved! Caylen showed me the proper execution, and the benefits an e collar can provide (even though I was slightly hesitant at first, because Theo is so small) and he is a different dog. Theo no longer barks at everyone who comes across his path, and he learned a command where if he has a treat/chew will spit out said chew and walk away, until I tell him he can have it. This was an EXTREMELY useful tool for me with his aggression, that I never thought he would be able to master. I’m beyond impressed with his improvements, and I no longer have to worry when he has a chew. That relief is a huge weight off of my shoulders, that I would not have without More Than Dog Training.  

Lilly is my three year old Beagle mix. Lilly is the sweetest girl I rescued who’s past includes abuse and a hoarding situation, we didn’t know much about her. Before training Lilly was extremely timid in front of new dogs and people, had no confidence, and cowered/his behind me around most people.

After training Lilly’s confidence has drastically improved. She is more comfortable approaching/and being approached by other dogs. Training helped her develop a sense of purpose, which you can visibly see has made her a more confident pup. I’ve seen her let her guard down, and actually be a dog! 

I would absolutely recommend More Than Dog Training. Caylen helped train with us in home (where most of those behavioral issues began, and presented themselves) and outdoors where distractions can arise. I learned so much about both of my pups with her, and feel I’m a much better pet parent. 

Like anything you get the results based on the work you put in! I was so excited to learn tools and techniques to help my pups be their best selves. The biggest take away I got from training personally, was how I look at my dogs. We have humanized dogs so much these days, but they’re a totally different species! Intelligent as hell, but they operate differently. We can’t treat them like children and expect them to learn. I can be nervous or anxious at times, and I realized they were feeding off of my nervous energy! I needed to remain calm, correct my body language, and Caylen gave me to tools to do so, and in turn improved their lives. I am so grateful for this experience! “

Adult Dog Training

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“We are a family of five. Young children. Busy lives. Distractions are plenty. We live on a farm. So our family is actually MUCH larger. Cats, chickens, shetland pony, and last December, our new arrival, Blitz: a great dane puppy. We've had pets all our life, but this time was different. He found many creative (and destructive) ways to get our attention. He particularly loved being chased around the yard with <insert something he shouldn't have> in his mouth. He listened... sometimes. He jumped fences. When he quickly outgrew our kiddos at 100+ lbs, he decided he was the boss. Never aggressive, but just a big, goofy, bossy puppy.

Maybe we were too scattered to give him the structure he needed. Maybe he had too much freedom and didn't know how to process it all. Maybe he just simply needed to be shown the difference between right and wrong. These were all true to some extent, but we didn't truly understand the scope of the problem or have a recipe for fixing it. Our kiddos were so patient with him, but it was clear we weren't going to master the art of a well-behaved pup on our own this time. We needed help. We asked friends for advice and they recommended Caylen, with More Than Dog Training. From the first phone conversation, I could tell that Caylen understood exactly what we were going through and was confident she could help us down a path to where we ultimately wanted to be. We worked with Caylen for 6 weeks, each week meeting with her and working through a variety of the issues that were most important to us. Caylen worked with us to understand how dogs think and what drives them to behave in certain ways, crafting specific suggestions based on her observations at our home. She showed us how to change the dynamic, to establish structure, reduce anxiety and foster respect from our puppy.

While Blitz did show much promise when working directly with Caylen during our sessions, she encouraged our whole family to participate and made it clear that in order to see long-lasting results, we needed to follow through and work with him regularly. This is the key to many things in life. You get out of it what you put into it. There is no magic bullet for a well-trained dog. We were (and are) willing to put in the effort, we just didn't know quite how to approach it. Caylen had the experience, knowledge and advice we needed. She guided us comfortably along a path so that we may now continue down it on our own, confident and with purpose. Today, we are so appreciative of Caylen and happy we found her. Blitz has come a long way and is now much calmer, more respectful and well-behaved. “

-Joe and Erin

More Than Dog Training

Finn & Malibu

“This has been my first experience with a dog trainer and I have been nothing but pleased!  Caylen is a true dog whisperer!  I have two 1 year old Golden Doodle’s who were overzealous, stubborn and didn’t listen to me.  Caylen knew exactly how to help me right away and understood my goals for my puppies.  I could see a big difference after only a few sessions.  She not only trained my dogs but also worked with me to make sure I could keep up the training on my own.  She has an amazing amount of patience and really cares about the long-term relationship that I have with my puppies.  I have noticed a HUGE difference in their behavior and I am extremely pleased with their progress. I would highly recommend Caylen to anyone that needs help training their dog.”


More Than Dog Training

Huck & Finn

“Caylen Jordan worked with us and our two mini-Aussies for socialization classes and some basic manners. […] We did two sets of classes with her and her team. One of our dogs, Finn, was a bit anxious about these classes.  With her help, we were able to get him from cowering/hiding and snapping (fear based) to being able to lay next to me without being reactive. He'll never be the "dog-park dog." Finn is able to be out and about on walks and other outings without having issues with other dogs.  Caylen has also come and done some individual obedience work with Huck and our daughter (9yrs). The individualized classes worked well as there were less distractions and they made great progress together. […] She's very knowledgeable, willing to come to the home when necessary, and easy to work with. Highly recommend her.”


More Than Dog Training

Remmy & Austin

“If you are looking for a compassionate knowledgeable dog trainer then you have come to the right trainer. Caylen is incredibly patient and she is an amazing teacher. She listened to my concerns with regard to my two dogs and we addressed each issue over several weeks. The positive reinforcement she uses with the dog produces great results.”


Aggression Training

More Than Dog Training


“My young Belgian Malinois/German Shepherd cross, Tavi, was displaying territorial aggression and pushy on-leash behavior, and I needed help managing her.  I’d worked for over a year with positive-only trainers, but Tavi continued to be a challenge. I reached out to Caylen because I learned she was skilled in balanced training.  She employs not only rewards-based methods but also corrective measures. Caylen is a professional and experienced trainer who effectively communicated to me the best way to handle my dog.  In short time, Tavi was responsive to working on leash for Caylen, when she hadn’t accepted anyone else as a handler in the past. Tavi learned how to respect the boundaries we set for her, and she now trusts that we have her back so she no longer needs to overreact.  I highly recommend Caylen as a dog trainer!”


More Than Dog Training


“Ama is my sixth German Shepherd and I knew something was wrong within the first few days of bringing her home. She was scared of the (very friendly) mailman, scared of doors closing, and even scared of other dogs barking. I’d worked with three other trainers during the first two years of her life and settled for a life with an aggressive, fear-reactive dog. Caylen taught me that we both deserved better and I could expect more from Ama. She showed me how to meet her where she was at and to assert my leadership by giving her healthy boundaries that help her feel safe and secure. Now, our daily walks are relaxed and I am no longer fearful of her lunging at strangers or barking at other dogs. Caylen gave me back hope that my aggressive dog could instead be a calm, controlled pup.”


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“Our dog Roscoe faced some pretty severe separation anxiety and didn’t usually encounter other dogs very well. He absolutely despised his kennel, whined all the time when we were out of his sight and was pretty much unable to even approach other dogs. We had high hopes of working with a dog trainer but unfortunately, our first experience with a trainer left us disappointed when she told us, “Roscoe just can’t be helped. My advice is to learn to live with it.” Thankfully, Caylen was referred to us! Within the first few sessions, Caylen taught us so much about how we were interacting with our dog and gave us some tricks that have helped Roscoe tremendously. Caylen is dedicated to helping your dog be the best they can be, but beyond that, she taught us how we could help our dog, and what to realistically expect from him (i.e., not pushing him too far too fast.) Roscoe goes into his kennel without issue now. We have techniques to help him with his separation anxiety when it’s out of control and they actually work. He can walk past dogs on walks now without incident. We’re happy to say that Caylen really helped Roscoe (and us). Don’t hesitate to reach out to her!”

-Ryan and Tori



“Caylen gave me needed insight into why our sweet but nervous dog was reacting aggressively when on a leash. She offered excellent recommendations for how to show my dog that I am in charge, so he need not worry about protecting himself or me. We made real progress quickly, and we will continue to reinforce what Caylen taught us. Highly recommend this professional, knowledgeable and compassionate trainer.”