

From puppy’s first potty break to putting a leash on your dog’s bad behavior, we’re here to help train you how to train your dog.



Unique techniques and absolute results.
We focus on teaching your dog how to have manners.
We offer customized dog training programs for clients with puppy, adult, and aggressive dogs in the Austin, TX and surrounding areas.

Gain confidence in your dog and your own ability to lead your dog through life’s situations.

Grow your relationship with your dog to a level you didn’t know was possible.

No more micromanaging your dog with commands all day. Watch as they learn how to make good decisions all by themselves.


Board and Train Program

This option is for you if:

  • No time. You don’t have the time to put into training and would prefer someone else put in the reps and you can upkeep the training once you’re dog is back home

  • Awkward. You feel you aren’t coordinated enough to train your dog to the standard you want them trained

  • You would genuinely prefer not to do the training but do want your dog well trained and are on board to follow a program if you are guided through it

    A board and train is THE BEST option for in-depth training for your dog AND you. Board and trains are a minimum of 3 weeks for basic obedience with no behavioral issues and are up to 6 weeks for intensive Behavior Modification. In addition, you will have an extensive go-home session and private sessions within 60 days after the board and train is finished. Training tools are included depending on your dog’s needs for your training goals.

This schedule allows you to have a completely hands on experience with your dog’s training, setting you AND your dog up for success so that, by the end of the program you are fully prepared to continue with your new training lifestyle.

Private In-Home Training

Head trainer Caylen will come to your home and work with you and your dog in the environment you’re experiencing the problems.

We offer a variety of different programs based on your training goals. Everything from puppies to aggression problems to off leash training to give your dog all the freedom they deserve. We can help! Please set up a call or fill out a registration form to speak with us further to choose which will suit your and your dog best.

From understanding how to read your dog, building a stronger relationship with your dog based on trust, respect and clear communication, and learning how to respond when your dog makes mistakes (which will continue to happen for the duration of their lives). You will gain the confidence to walk through life with your dog without the anxiety of not knowing what to do when sh*t happens. Because let’s be real, that’s part of owning a dog. The more important part is knowing how to respond when it does.

Learn how to be the best dog owner possible with the strongest bond imaginable. Behavior, Obedience, Nutrition… AND You, are just a few of the topics we will discuss on this journey together. I can’t wait to get started! Don’t wait another minute, Fill out a contact form below!



Online Basics Course

*** This course does NOT address any form of serious aggression OR remote collar off leash training*** ALL related inquiries will be directed to a private program (virtual or in-home). Thank you.

You get:

  • Indefinite access to your online course

  • 67 dog training course videos

  • 18 page Wellness Plan

  • Access to list of my preferred products

You Will Learn:

  • How to properly socialize your dog for neutrality in public

  • How to use positive reinforcement

  • How to eliminate bad behaviors

    • Puppy biting

    • Jumping

    • Reactivity

    • Barking

    • Potty training

    • Destructive Chewing

    • Over Excitement and more

  • Crate Training

  • Nutrition

  • Body Language

  • How to walk your dog on a loose leash

  • How To Place 

  • How To Recall on long line only

  • Grooming- How To Nail Trim 

  • And most importantly, how you can be the best trainer for your dog


Online Basics Course- $495


Not in the Austin area?? No Problem!

We offer private virtual dog training to help anyone, anywhere. Get personalized 1:1 time with our owner and head trainer, Caylen in the privacy of your own home.


Add Private Virtual sessions to your online course for ultimate guidance and customized suggestions for you and your dog.

There are no required amount of sessions you must sign up for, although we recommend 4 minimum to advance towards your overall goals. 

** I DO NOT work with any serious aggression, separation anxiety or resource guarding through virtual training. Aggression training truly needs to be in person, I am happy to try and recommend someone in your area if you are not local. **

Private Virtual Sessions


Not in the Austin area?? No Problem!

We offer private virtual dog training to help anyone, anywhere. Get personalized 1:1 time with our owner and head trainer, Caylen in the privacy of your own home.


Add Private Virtual sessions to your online course for ultimate guidance and customized suggestions for you and your dog.

Continued Education

Congratulations on completing a program with us!
Once you have worked with us 1:1, you will have more options open to you. 

  • Boarding- I offer boarding in my home to previous clients. I book up very quickly and only take a few dogs at a time. This is NOT additional training, but general structured upkeep is a given. Boarding is $95/day. Boarding with additional training is $150/day.

  • Advanced Group Classes - Every other Saturday I hold group classes from previous clients to build on the skills we taught during our in-home sessions. Join other like- minded owners to work your dog around new distractions in a structured environment. Classes are $45 each and are typically an hour long. Please inquire for dates and times.

  • Single Refresher Sessions - Maybe it’s been a month, Maybe it’s been a year after training and you need a little help with a new behavior or just a touch up session to go back over a few things in person… We’ve got you. Refresher sessions are $150/hour.

** As a friendly reminder, everyone is working on different skills with their dogs. Please do not allow your dog to get in another dog's space without asking. Everyone has done a lot of work to get here and some dogs need more space than others**

How Long Will You Need To Train Your Dog?


The answer is different with every dog and client, but you can expect to put in a few short sessions a day for at least 6 weeks. Then, you will continue to use the tools and techniques over the long term to maintain the training that you have done. If you completely stop doing what you’ve learned, it will be a waste of your time and money. These techniques are very effective, but they need to be maintained and will become a new lifestyle. This is a very important point to consider before deciding to do training with More Than Dog Training.  We aim to make dog training an experience. It should be fun and enjoyable working with your dog. No, not every single moment will be pretty; there will inevitably be hard moments, but the results are priceless. Much like anything else in life, the harder you work in the beginning, the quicker you (or your dog in this case) get your freedom back!